- Avoid milk and milk products( no animal drinks milk , still they are healthier than us and have better skeleton and lesser bone problems)
- Milk is not the only source of calcium.Nowdays milk is more toxic with hormones n steroids secreted in it as cows are injected with it.
- Don’t take milk with food like chai and milk.
- Don’t take milk with food like rice and milk.
- Dont take milk with nonveg like milk n fish.
- Don’t ever warm curd esp while cooking some recepies.
- Dont take milk with fruits like fruit salad or shikharan.
- If u want to drink milk, then it should be consumed on empty stomach and only with dryfruits.
- Avoid sour things esp curd after 5pm.
- Avoid eating curd throughout rainy season.
- Drink water only when thirsty(don’t over drink)it removes out minerals with it from body.
- No watching tv or mobile while eating.Wrong information goes with food so wrong transformations are made in body.
- Eat seasonal fruits.
- Never skip breakfast.
- Have breakfast like king, lunch like queen and dinner like begger.
- Have light dinner and as early and nearer to sunset as possible.
- Sleep 2 hrs after dinner.
- No any form of exercise like walking after dinner.
- No oiling to any part of body or taking bath after eating food.
- Keep mobile as away from body as possible.
- Keep wifi and mobile data closed as much as possible it’s harmful for brain esp for kids.
- Stop eating maida products and products having preservatives as all r cancerous.
- Spend some time of everyday in nature.
- Once a week spend time cherishing ur hobby.
- Meditate for some time before going to sleep as it is actual relaxation to mind better than sleep.
Prajanan प्रजनन -हेल्दी प्रेगनेंसी, हेल्दी बेबी , हेल्थी मदरहूड के लिए पंचकर्म
Listen the Story आज का विषय है हेल्दी प्रेगनेंसी, हेल्दी बेबी , हेल्थी मदरहूड। हेल्दी प्रेगनेंसी, हेल्दी बेबी , हेल्थी