Our Aarogyam Ayurvedic Clinic – Aayuttam – Ayurvedic Clinic https://aayuttam.com Fri, 28 Jul 2023 13:37:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://aayuttam.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-favicon-op-32x32.webp Our Aarogyam Ayurvedic Clinic – Aayuttam – Ayurvedic Clinic https://aayuttam.com 32 32 UNIQUE Paanchabhautic Ayurveda. (Blog – 12) https://aayuttam.com/blog/unique-paanchabhautic-ayurveda-blog-12/ Fri, 28 Jul 2023 13:37:40 +0000 https://aarogyamayurvedicclinic.com/?p=2089

What is Paanchabhutic Ayurveda? 

Universe and body is made of five basic elements – Earth (Prithvi), Water (aap), Fire (tej), Air (vaayu), and Space(aakash). Paanchabahutic Ayurveda studies individual and disease at these basic molecular / micro level.Hence our diagnosis is more Accurate treatment, More Precise and Prognosis much Superior.

How it differs –

Fundamental Concepts– The body and mind are made of five basic constituents namely earth, water, fire, air and space…. (Panchmahabhutas) And basic genetic makeup of an individual is made up of the particular composition of these Panchmahabhutas. The composition of Panchmahabhutas differs from individual to individual.

Disease & Disorders– Any disturbance in the proportion of these basic genetic material i.e. Panchmahabhutas at a particular time results in diseases and disorders

Our Diagnosis Methods – Based on in depth studies over decades the Panchbautic way of therapy has developed its own diagnostics methods and tools.

How these diagnostic methods differ from modern medicine methods– After studying genetic makeup of Panchmahabhutas in an individual, the Paanchabhautic Ayurveda places its focus on identifying and capturing the early changes/ disturbances in the basic Panchmahabhutas. These diagnostic methods captures the disturbances at the micro levels and well before it is expressed as changes in biomarkers (Blood pressure, Blood levels of glucose, triglycerides, vitamins, hormones etc.). This helps in correcting the disturbances of Panchmahabhutas well before it changes in the biomarkers which develops into disease or disorder. The modern medicine therapy however, uses changes in composition of biomarkers as the diagnostic tool.

How Paanchabhautic Ayurveda differs –    The human body and mind is made up of Panchmahabhutas and all living and non-living organisms are also made of Panchmahabhutas. The Paanchabhautic Ayurveda selects and picks up a particular constituent from the nature around and

1.  provide it to the body which is depleted of it and thus corrects the imbalance of Panchmahabhutas 

2. provide it to the body to lower down its excess concentration and thus corrects the imbalance of Panchmahabhutas.

Our Special Diagnostic Tools –

  1. Naad Pariksha
  2. Pressure Point examination.
  3. Kshaar and amla pariksha
In service of the unique, excellent Paanchabhautik Ayurveda. (Blog – 11) https://aayuttam.com/blog/in-service-of-the-unique-excellent-paanchabhautik-ayurveda-blog-11/ Tue, 25 Jul 2023 12:59:51 +0000 https://aarogyamayurvedicclinic.com/?p=2072 15 years with Paanchabhautic Ayurveda.

Paanchabhautic ayurveda is my passion, my life.
I thank God for blessing me with this unique Ayurveda and giving me opportunity of spreading and healing mankind with its excellent results.

Paanchabhautik ayurveda written by his genius Vaidyaraj. Aatmaram Daatar Shastri. Only an extremely talented and genius saint could write  such perfect , to the point as well detailed ayurveda.
It’s a hatts  off to his work….It’s par excellent…………..Not comparsion to anything near him and his work “THE PAANCHABHAUTIK AYURVED”

“Genius is known after his time”

Like how Dnyaneshwar made Geeta simplified to general people by writing Dnyaneshwari……Same ways His Genius Vaidyaraj Aatmaram Dattarshatri has made ayurveda simple to mankind by writing Paanchabhautik ayurveda.

Paanchabhautik Ayurveda studies the five basic elements of universe i.e. PRUTHVI (Earth), AAP (Water ), TEJ ( Fire) , VAAYU (Air), AAKASH ( Space). Disturbance in the balance/ in equilibrium of these mahabhutas leads to disturbance in nature causing calamities or changes in these mahabhutas to keep itself balance brings about seasons. for example…after summer when alot of tej mahabhuta increases then rainy season comes ie….aap mahabhuta to balance the equilibrium and maintain nature.

Paanchabhautik Ayurveda studies these mahabhutas in human body and disturbance in equilibrium inmahabhutas in body brings about disease….so this science explains the disease etiololgy on basis of these basic life forces and thus its very precise and accurate ….in today’s world we can call it Quantum Ayurveda. the medicines are too very unique not branded preparations….effective in very minute quantity (in millgrams), showing very faster effect in very few days.

I am immensely fortunate to be associated with Paanchabhautik Ayurveda.

It’s a bliss to see happiness in eyes of patients after getting cured.
And no gift better than their words of gratitude and thankfulness….Especially when elderly patients bless you with all their heart when you could free them from their ailment.

Extremely thankful to God for this life and this career path.

Celebrating work anniversary

#work #passion #mankind #workanniversary #blessings #god #ayurveda

To know more about PAANCHABHAUTIK AYURVEDA….Visit – www.aarogyamayurvedicclinic.com

THANK YOU NOTE FROM A DOCTOR (Blog – 06) https://aayuttam.com/blog/thank-you-note-from-a-doctor-blog-06/ Wed, 17 May 2023 09:05:14 +0000 https://aarogyamayurvedicclinic.com/?p=1488

All you patients out there have added one or all of above treasures to every doctor’s life.

I thank you all on occasion of this DOCTOR’S DAY for showing trust and faith in us.

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy, Stay Blessed
